If you are looking for a unique and stunning gemstone that exudes warmth and elegance, you might want to consider Somaliland Hessonite Garnet. This rare and beautiful stone is a variety of grossular garnet that displays a rich orange to reddish-brown color, reminiscent of cinnamon. Hessonite Garnet is also known as the Cinnamon Stone because […]
We can evaluate opal body tone using the standardised Munsell colour system November, 2017 The Munsell Colour System is a colour space that is comprised of three colour dimensions – value (light to dark), hue (colour) and chroma (colour intensity). For opal body tones, we will be referring to the ‘value’ dimension and this divided […]
Ethiopian emeralds have characteristics similar to other talc-mica-schist deposits such as those in Zambia and Brazil. September, 2017 Using spectroscopic and chemical analysis, it has been reported that Ethiopian emeralds have unique characteristics which make this material distinguishable from other, global emerald origins. Ethiopian emerald characteristics: Colour ranges from light blue-green to intense saturated pure […]
The similarities between Ethiopian emeralds and copper-bearing tourmaline are striking. August, 2017 On our trip to Bangkok, we found a perfect example of a neon-blue Paraiba tourmaline (courtesy of Star Lanka, Bangkok) for comparison with our 2.95 ct Ethiopian emerald. Exhibit 1 – Ethiopian 2.95 ct emerald compared with a neon-blue Paraiba tourmaline (courtesy of Star […]
Ethiopian emerald analysis has shown this material has characteristics similar to Brazilian and Zambian emeralds. July, 2017 Rough and polished Ethiopian emeralds from the recently discovered mine deposit in Southern Ethiopia. We source rough and cut and polish custom-made faceted emeralds for jewelry companies and collectors. We performed some quick analysis on the material with […]
Ethiopian emeralds are rare, unique and in a class of their own. July, 2017 H I G H L I G H T S: Ethiopia has a diverse and interesting geology with proven mineral and gemstone deposits Faceted emeralds from Ethiopia are unique in appearance, colour and clarity and stands alone as a exclusive class […]