Ethiopian Emerald & Paraiba Tourmaline Comparison

The similarities between Ethiopian emeralds and copper-bearing tourmaline are striking.

August, 2017

On our trip to Bangkok, we found a perfect example of a neon-blue Paraiba tourmaline (courtesy of Star Lanka, Bangkok) for comparison with our 2.95 ct Ethiopian emerald.

Exhibit 1 – Ethiopian 2.95 ct emerald compared with a neon-blue Paraiba tourmaline (courtesy of Star Lanka, Bangkok) in natural light

Ethiopian emerald Paraiba tourmaline comparison
Ethiopian emerald Paraiba tourmaline comparison

Can you see the similarities in colour and vibrancy?

Exhibit 2 – Ethiopian 2.95 ct emerald compared with a 0.10 ct neon-blue Paraiba tourmaline in fluorescent light

Ethiopian emerald Paraiba tourmaline comparison II
Ethiopian emerald Paraiba tourmaline comparison II

This has got us very excited – no other emerald material exhibits such colour saturation as Ethiopian emeralds and is clearly visible is this basic test.

To view our selection of emeralds then click on this link.

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