Ethiopian emeralds have characteristics similar to other talc-mica-schist deposits such as those in Zambia and Brazil.
September, 2017
Using spectroscopic and chemical analysis, it has been reported that Ethiopian emeralds have unique characteristics which make this material distinguishable from other, global emerald origins.
Ethiopian emerald characteristics:
- Colour ranges from light blue-green to intense saturated pure green
- Have elevated Li, Na and Cs content compared to Brazilian emeralds, but the values are slightly lower than in emeralds from Zambia (Exhibit 1)
- Low Fe contents when views against Li/Rb ratios (Exhibit 4) indicates a unique property that can help distinguish Ethiopian material from other sources
- Very low vanadium contents compared to other emerald origins (Brazil, Zambia etc.)
- High absorbance of Fe2+ at around 840 nm (Exhibit 5)
Exhibit 1 – Cesium / iron trace element concentrations plot (parts per million, log scale) across all major global emerald deposits
Source: InColor ׀ Spring 2017,
Exhibit 2 – Lithium / cesium trace element concentrations plot (parts per million, log scale) across all major East-African emerald deposits
Source: InColor ׀ Spring 2017,
Exhibit 3 – Lithium / zinc trace element concentrations plot (parts per million, log scale) across all major East-African emerald deposits
Source: InColor ׀ Spring 2017,
Exhibit 4 – Rubidium-lithium / iron trace element concentrations plot (parts per million, log scale) across all major East-African emerald deposits
Source: InColor ׀ Spring 2017,
Exhibit 5 – UV-visible absorption spectrum of an Ethiopian emerald – red line: ordinary ray, blue line: extraordinary ray
Source: InColor ׀ Spring 2017,
To view our selection of emeralds then click on this link.